Cure for Candidiasis & Halitosis
Candida overgrowth can create perforations ("leaky gut") in the small intestines, causing undigested food, toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This putrefaction of food along with the infection can spur candidiasis in the mouth. This can cause halitosis. The best cure for candidiasis and halitosis is a change in diet. Since Candida feeds on sugar and gluten, you should eliminate these items from your diet. Eat brown rice bread and pasta instead of wheat, which contains high levels of gluten. Also, eat foods with nutrasweet and aspartame in lieu of sugar. Milk also contains gluten and sugar. Brown rice milk and almond milk make effective substitutes.
You can continue to eat meat, yams, most nuts, beans and vegetables while fighting candidiasis and halitosis. Also, grains such as millet, buckwheat, kamut, amaranth and basmati rice are gluten-free. Vegetables are especially important for any Candida overgrowth problem. Vegetables contain digestive enzymes, which can kill excess systemic yeast. These foods also stimulate the process of phagocytosis, when white blood cells purify the blood. This process eliminates unhealthy cells such as ones containing Candida yeast, their toxins and their parasites. Try juicing or blending your vegetables (i.e. cucumbers, celery, radishes) for a higher absorption rate of the vitamins and minerals.
In addition to dietary changes, probiotics are important for eliminating candidiasis and halitosis. Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can replenish the body's natural bacteria. Many of these bacteria are killed off during a candidiasis infestation. Replenishing bacteria provides a hostile environment for Candida. The excess yeast will eventually die off. You can purchase probiotics at a health food store. The new pearl-shaped probiotics are designed to survive stomach acids so they can work in the small and large intestines. Yogurt and buttermilk also contain probiotics. However, watch the sugar content. Eat yogurt plain or consume those that contain sugar substitutes.
Colon Cleanses
You have two options on colon cleansing: Colon cleansing kits or colonic irrigation. Colon cleansing kits contain foods and herbs that kill systemic yeast. Colonic irrigation entails flushing the large intestines with ozonated water. Both methods can remove fecal impactions in the colon where the yeast, parasites and toxins tend to congregate. Removing the plaque-like buildups will improve your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Candidiasis will heal over time, as should your halitosis.