Preparation H Suppository Side Effects
Irritation of swollen and bleeding rectal tissue can occur within the first few days of beginning use of Preparation H suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Consult with your doctor if the irritation persists for more than one week.
Breaking out in a rash around and inside the anal and rectal area can be a symptom of allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredients in Preparation H suppositories. Discontinue use for three days. Evaluate the condition of the rash. Use other methods for treating hemorrhoids if you have determined that the suppositories were the cause of the rash.
High Blood Pressure
Increased blood pressure is common during the use of Preparation H suppositories. During the course of treatment for hemorrhoids, the swollen veins in the rectum are shrunk, which can cause high blood pressure. Use caution when high blood pressure is a pre-existing medical condition.
Soiling of the undergarments can result as the suppository melts inside the rectum. Use a panty liner in order to prevent the melted suppository solution from ruining your underwear.
Acne may occur during the use of Preparation H suppositories. Acne occurs during the use of Preparation H because of the increased amount of oils which are coming in contact with the skin during the use of hemorrhoid suppositories. Use a mild skin cleansing agent to treat the acne.
Dizziness may occur because of the increase in blood pressure created by the shrinking of inflamed veins during the use of Preparation H suppositories. Consult your doctor if the dizziness doesn't go away after seven days.
Prevent hemorrhoids from occurring by avoiding constipation. Avoid constipation by increasing dietary fiber and water intake and using laxatives if necessary. Avoid excessive lifting as this can cause hemorrhoids.