Signs & Symptoms of a Tapeworm in Humans
Stool Symptoms
People who experience no symptoms at all may still notice segments of a tapeworm being eliminated through their stool. If a person is not experiencing symptoms, but they notice tapeworm segments in their stool, they must get to a doctor immediately to have the condition treated.
Flu-Like Symptoms
Many of the symptoms associated with a tapeworm in the digestive system are flu-like symptoms. These include nausea that may lead to vomiting, abdominal cramps or abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea and a noticeable loss of appetite. The person may also begin to feel fatigued or constantly tired for no apparent reason.
Nutrient Deficiency
A tapeworm is a parasite, which means that it lives off the human's nutrients. This causes a series of symptoms related to nutrient deficiency. No matter how much the person eats, they are unable to gain weight. Over time a noticeable weight loss may be occurring that could be puzzling to the person. There will also be a general feeling of weakness as the various parts of the body are deprived of the nutrients they need on a daily basis.
On rare occasion the larvae of a tapeworm may venture outside the digestive system and start to create cysts in other parts of the body. If the larvae begin to infect the brain then symptoms such as seizures and memory loss may be apparent. Cysts created in or near the eyes could result in vision problems such as blurring vision, or they could result in complete blindness. If a larvae develops a cyst in the spinal cord then paralysis may result. These cysts are the result of the larvae maturing and blocking the flow of fluid to the affected part of the body.
Allergic Reaction
It is possible for the person to develop an allergic reaction to the bacterial infestation of the tapeworm. The symptoms of this allergy to the bacteria produced by the tapeworm include a chronic fever and nausea. If the tapeworm larvae has moved outside the digestive system then bacterial infections could occur in the bloodstream.