Low-Budget Candida Cure
The best way to eliminate candida overgrowth is to make some adjustments to your diet. Candida tends to feed on yeast and sugar, so you need to eliminate, or at least minimize, your intake of yeast and sugar. The best way to do this is to eat more gluten-free products.
You do not have to revamp your entire diet. For example, if you eat a lot of pasta, cut back a little. Eat more rice, potatoes and yams. These food do not contain any glutens. Cut back on breads as well, at least until you get the candida problem under control. Eat plenty of vegetables. They have digestive enzymes that will held fight the excess candida in your system. Limit your fruits to 1 or 2 per day, because they contain sugar.
Eat only gluten-free foods 2 to 3 times per week. There are plenty of grains that you can eat as substitutes. Millet is gluten free, and oats and corn have less sugar than wheat products. The more adjustments you can temporarily make to your diet, the faster you will get over your candidiasis problem.
Probiotics & Vitamins
Probiotics can help produce more healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. They are available at most health-food stores. But these supplements can be expensive. As a substitute, eat yogurt. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus and streptococcus species, which serve the same purpose. These bacteria can help eliminate the excess candida from your large intestines.
Take multivitamins with minerals. Candida tends to rob your body of essential vitamins and minerals. According to Sherridan L. Stock of the Finchley Clinic in London, England, " . . . candidiasis is associated with a number of nutrient deficiencies. These include vitamin A, pyridoxal phosphate, Magnesium, zinc, and Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids."
Garlic has been used for medicinal purposes since early Egyptian times. It is a powerful antiseptic that can help rid the body of both candida and inflammation in the bowels. It is also easy on the body's natural bacteria while it kills off the overgrowth. Take 2 to 4 g of fresh and minced garlic clove per day. If your budget permits, take garlic pills or oil for convenience.
Candida does not have to rob your savings or your health. Make some basic changes and get well.