Crohn's Disease Diet & Lifestyle
Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease include persistent diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, bloody stools, weight loss and, in some cases, ulcers may develop in the intestines.
If left unresolved, Crohn's disease can result in major complications such as bowel obstruction, malnutrition and anal fissures. Crohn's disease also increases your chances of developing colon cancer.
Crohn's Disease and Diet
Diet modifications are key to controlling Crohn's disease. Common triggers include dairy, fatty foods, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, caffeine and alcohol. Reduce your intake of these foods and examine your symptoms for signs of improvement.
Stress and Worry
Stress and anxiety also plays a role in Crohn's disease. Learning ways to manage stress and reduce symptoms. Regular exercise can reduce stress, along with relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises or listening to soft music.
Medications are available for the treatment of Crohn's disease. These include corticosteroids and immunosuppressant drugs.