Helicobater Pylori Infection
H. pylori is common all over the world. Infection is associated with using contaminated utensils or consuming food and fluid containing the bacteria.
Age Groups
Older people have higher infection rates. Young people can be affected if sanitation is poor and living conditions are crowded.
Symptoms like abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, bloating, and sometimes vomiting usually occur about an hour after eating. Temporary relief may be provided by antacids or milk.
The infection can be diagnosed by endoscopy (biopsy obtained through a stomach tube) or breath test. A blood test for specific antibodies can also be done.
H. pylori is related to at least two types of cancer. Incidence is rare and far less likely if the infection is treated.
Medication for H. pylori usually consists of a combination of antibiotics and antacids such as Pepto-bismol. The strategy is to kill the bacteria while easing stomach symptoms.