Natural Healing of an Anal Fissure
Gentle cleansing is required when taking care of anal fissures, as harsh movements can tear the tissue further. Wash the area lightly as you would a sponge bath, running warm water over the fissure, without scrubbing or irritating the area. Sitz baths are also popular for healing many rectal problems, including anal fissures. Run a warm bath in a clean tub, with six to eight inches of water. Soak the pelvic region for fifteen to twenty minutes, keeping feet out of the water to prevent dirt from entering the bath. Alternately, purchase a sitz bath basin from your local drug store, or use a large basin to perform this function.
Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly works to lubricate and moisturize the skin on and around the fissure, preventing further cracking, while lubricating the skin so a bowel movement can pass more easily. Lightly rub petroleum jelly over the affected are two to three times per day, and prior to bowel movements to allow the stool to pass without further tearing of the skin.
Change in Diet
Eating foods rich in fiber, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, will soften the stool, allowing it to pass more easily. Increase your daily intake of these products, and drink at least two liters of water each day, to keep the body and stool functioning properly.
Fissure Prevention
To prevent anal fissures, keep the rectum clear and dry. Do not irritate or scratch the area, and keep clean by using wipes instead of cotton or tissue. This will remove any bacteria, and if a fissure does occur, it will not becomes as irritated since there will be no bacteria to inflame the area.