Colonic Irrigation Benefits
Getting Rid Of Candida Overgrowth
Many people undergo colonic irrigation to treat candida albicans overgrowth. Candida albicans, a yeast-like fungus, lives naturally in the colon along with good bacteria. Sometimes, candida albicans over-proliferates and overtakes the body's natural bacteria (candidiasis). This provides a suitable environment for parasites to invade the body. Candida albicans also releases toxins when it dies. Excess candida can cause migraines, joint and muscle pain, food allergies and even autoimmune diseases (i.e. fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities). Colonic irrigation can remove excess candida, parasites and toxins and rid the body of many adverse symptoms and potential problems.
Improves Vitamin & Mineral Absorption
Candidiasis causes the mucus membranes in the large intestines to become inflamed. As a result, fecal impactions can occur along the walls of the colon. These clumps of fecal matter and mucus can prevent certain nutrients from entering the bloodstream. Removing them with colonic irrigation can improve vitamin and mineral absorption.
Increases Energy Levels
Systemic yeast thrives off the body's nutrients, especially in people who eat diets high in sugar and gluten. Parasites feed off the yeast. This can leave a person lethargic and tired. Many people feel better and have more energy after their first colonic irrigation session.
Restores Immunity Level
Sometimes, candida overgrowth can remain in the colon and digestive tract for months and even years before it is diagnosed. This causes yeast, toxins and parasites to enter the bloodstream where they eventually end up in cells and vital organs. As a result, a person's immunity is hindered and she becomes more prone to viruses and bacterial infections. Because colonic irrigation enhances nutritional absorption, more nutrients can reach the body's cells. Hence, antioxidants from vitamins can, once again, protect healthy cells and remove unbalanced cells (those containing toxins and parasites) from the body. This, in turn, restores a person's immunity level.
Getting Over Diseases
A number of people do not start colonic irrigation until they fall ill with an autoimmune disease or cancer. Candida overgrowth has affected some of these people for many years. With proper dieting and colonic irrigation treatment, some people overcome certain diseases, or at least improve so that they can function more normally. Others can prevent diseases with this treatment.