Symptoms of Shigella
Shigella is a bacteria that infects the digestive system and causes a series of digestive problems. The condition the shigella bacteria causes is referred to as shigellosis. The shigella bacteria is normally contracted from contact with fecal matter. It is most common in children up to age 4 because of situations such as daycare workers that change multiple diapers each day and do not wash their hands in between each diaper changing. It can also be transported in a setting such as swimming pools.
Shigella produces some common digestive disorder symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea that could possibly lead to vomiting and diarrhea. One of the more unique symptoms of shigella is that the diarrhea may contain mucus and blood. While this is not exclusive to shigella, it is an indicator doctors use to help diagnose the condition. There may also be a fever associated with the condition along with a general achy feeling.
The condition may take a day or two to develop, but there is normally no warning period. Within one or two days of contracting shigella there may be blood in the stool, constipation and chills. There may also be excessive sweating especially at night, a progressive feeling of general weakness and dehydration especially if there has been diarrhea. There may also be discomfort in making a bowel movement, and there could also be loss of appetite.
Some people feel inclined to take anti-diarrhea medication when experiencing symptoms of shigella, or they may give the medication to a child that has the symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, using anti-diarrhea medication will make the symptoms of shigella worse. If there are shigella symptoms, go see a doctor.
The Mayo Clinic states that most cases of shigella are in and out of the body within 7 days without the need for medication. Adults should drink plenty of water to replace the fluids lost to diarrhea, and children should be encouraged to drink replenishing liquids such as Pedialyte. If a doctor determines that there is a particularly severe case of shigella then they may prescribe antibiotics as treatment.