Diarrhea & Stomach Pain
Large Bowel Obstruction
Large-bowel obstruction can cause the symptoms of diarrhea and stomach pain. This can be a serious condition if the blockage is cutting off the blood supply to that area. You will have acute and intense stomach pain in the area bellow the navel. The loose stool diarrhea is the only type of fecal matter that can pass around the blockage. With any type of acute and severe stomach pain seek medical attention at once. Bloating and vomiting are other symptoms that can be present with this condition.
Signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can often resemble the symptoms of other diseases and vary widely from person to person. Among the most common are stomach pain and diarrhea. The symptoms can range in intensity from mild to severe. If your symptoms are attributed to IBS, you will most likely have gas and a bloated feeling that goes along with them. It is common to also see mucus in the stool. The diarrhea may alternate with constipation. Your doctor would be the one to diagnosis this condition for you.
Bowel Cancer
Bowel cancer can cause the symptoms of diarrhea and stomach pain. These symptoms are usually the first symptoms you experience but exist in the later stages of the cancer. This would be a constant diarrhea and would be accompanied by stomach pain which will be severe if the bowel becomes obstructed from the cancer. In this case, vomiting and constipation will shortly follow as symptoms. Bleeding from the rectum is usually present and commonly mistaken for the bleeding of hemorrhoids. Seek medical attention if these symptoms are present.
Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis
Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is common and usually not a serious condition, it just needs to run its course. Diarrhea and stomach pain are present with this type of illness. Muscle aches, vomiting and a headache may also be present. Gastroenteritis is very uncomfortable and can completely render a person bedridden for a few days until it passes.
Persistent abdominal cramps with watery diarrhea can be the symptoms of bacterial diarrhea of giardia. The diarrhea is usually followed by greasy loose stools. This is caused by a bacteria and will need attention from your doctor.
Malabsorption problems, such as celiac, can cause diarrhea and stomach pain. This would happen every time you eat a certain food. The other symptoms that can accompany this condition are gas and bloating. Discuss symptoms with your doctor, who will be able to confirm this diagnosis and help you plan in a diet.
Lactose Intolerance
If your symptoms of diarrhea and stomach pain begin 30 minutes to two hours after eating a dairy product, you might be lactose intolerant. This is a condition that can suddenly begin even after years of tolerating the foods from the dairy family. This is caused when you have trouble digesting the sugars found these products. Check with your doctor, who can recommend a medication for this condition.