Aspartame & Stomach Pain
Stomach Pain
One of the major complaints against aspartame is that it causes stomach pain. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, bloating and stomach cramps.
The Root Cause
Aspartame on its own is not considered harmful. The problem is that once it's consumed, our body breaks it down into methanol, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. All three substances occur naturally in the body and also can be found in small amounts in natural foods like fruit. But all three can be toxic when consumed in high doses.
Recommended Amount
On the plus side, it's next to impossible to consume enough aspartame to reach a toxic level. According to Jeanne Whalen, author of "Health Effects of the Artificial Sweetener Aspartame," a 150-pound person would have to consume 19 cans of diet soda in one day to reach a toxic level. Unfortunately, that does not mean side effects such as stomach pain won't occur if you drink less. Side effects from aspartame are an individual reaction, and some people are simply more sensitive than others.
Since the side effects of aspartame are not caused by an allergy, it's difficult to diagnose. The best way to determine if your stomach ailments are caused by aspartame is to keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat and drink along with how you feel afterward. Eventually you should notice a trend. Be sure to share your findings with your health care provider.
The best way to eliminate stomach pain caused by aspartame is to simply stop consuming it. If you're worried about the calories from sugar, practice portion control or use an all-natural sweetener like honey. Over-the-counter medications treat the symptoms but won't alleviate the root cause.