Green Feces in Children
Bile and Poop
The liver produces bile as it metabolizes fats in the body. Bile produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder is bright green in nature. As it travels down the intestinal tract it changes color to brown. Normal digestive processes give bile enough time to turn from green to brown. When things speed up, you may find green stool because the bile has not had time to be broken down with bilirubin.
Infectious Diarrhea
Diarrhea is stool that doesn't have time to harden and travels down the intestinal tract very fast. As a result, children with infectious diarrhea will have bright green diarrhea. Your child may get this condition from poor hygiene, contaminated food, pet feces or just have caught the flu bug. Consult your pediatrician as to whether your child needs antibiotics. If your child has diarrhea make sure he frequently washes hands and is drinking a lot of fluids. It is imperative to remain hydrated while dealing with diarrhea. The color should return to normal once your child begins to feel better.
Children often react to stress in subtle physical ways. While a child may not tell you about the stress of starting school or a problem at school, you may notice that her stool is a different color. This may be the result of the digestive system reacting to the stress and speeding up the process of bowel movements. In many cases you child's stool will probably normal aside from the color. Talk to your child to see if there is anything that is bothering them. If the new is getting used to a new situation, such as a new school, it may just be some time before the digestive tract adjusts, giving the bile enough time to turn brown. Medically, this is not a great concern but speak with your pediatrician about the stress if there seems to be a long-term change.
Celiac Disease
Your child may have celiac disease, which is an absorption condition triggered by the consumption of gluten or products with gluten such as bread, pasta, cookies or pizza. This can lead to malabsorption of nutrients and create liver problems among nervous system abnormalities, joint pain and other symptoms. Have your child tested if you feel there may be an allergic reaction to gluten and remove gluten products from his diet. There is no cure for this condition, but with smart eating your child can live a healthy life without any long-term risks. Speak with your pediatrician about dietary programs if your child has celiac disease.
If your child has a sweet tooth, expect to see some interesting things in the toilet on occasion. That bright blue ice cream or slushie may have enough food coloring to find its way to the toilet. If your child's stool is otherwise normal in size and harness, think about what snacks your child has eaten that may have colored the feces. Many candies, ice creams and frozen treats use high quantities of food coloring with preservatives that your body will not metabolize. This will line the intestines and be removed with bowel movements. Remove the source and your child's stool will return to normal.
Also if your child eats an unusual amount of spinach or other green leafy vegetable, you may see the stool become more green.