Alternative Hernia Treatments
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral manipulation is an alternative form of treatment that is usually used to treat a hiatal hernia. With a hiatal hernia, the stomach is pushed up through the esophagus haitus (opening), which causes stomach acid and chest pain. Visceral manipulation, in the form of gentle massage, returns the stomach to its natural position.
Natural Products
Natural products that can be used to reduce the swelling and tenderness of hernias. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (or DGL) is an herbal supplement that is used to treat stomach acid and relieve the symptoms of stomach pain. Aloe juice is another natural treatment that can help soothe the stomach. You should drink at least a few ounces of aloe juice first thing in the morning and at night before bed. Both DGL and aloe juice can be purchased at health stores and online (see Additional Resources).
Ice and Over-the-Counter Medications
Ice can also be an effective treatment. Place the ice pack over the lump on the stomach. The ice can relieve tenderness and bring down the swelling of the area. Heat should not be applied to the hernia as it can cause muscle spasms and make the area swell, which aggravates the condition. A mild analgesic such as Tylenol or Motrin can also be used to help with pain.