DIY Home Treatment for Vomiting
Avoid Eating
Avoiding foods for between 24 and 48 hours is a popular home remedy for treating vomiting, especially that caused by mild food poisoning. However, some people may find that nibbling on saltine crackers or toast helps to settle the stomach.
Make Some Tea
Green tea helps settle an upset stomach, as does peppermint tea. If you don't like tea, try Gatorade will help replenish electrolytes and fluid lost through vomiting. Avoid sugar-filled drinks. Sip small amounts of room-temperature sugar-free colas or clear sodas to help soothe upset. Cold drinks initiate cramping in already sensitive stomachs.
Coke Syrup
Coke syrup is available in most grocery stores and is a time-honored method to reducing stomach upset and vomiting. Administer about 1 to 2 tsp. for children and 1 to 2 tbsp. for adults as needed between bouts of vomiting. Ask your pediatrician regarding guidelines by age and weight to be on the safe side.