Male Yeast Infections
Candidiasis is an infection that can occur anywhere on the body, but often starts in a man's colon. It can be caused by an overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids, poor diet and even chlorinated water. The candida starts to grow rampantly and overtakes the body's natural bacteria. It can cause symptoms like headaches, migraines, gastritis, external yeast infections and even autoimmune diseases (i.e. fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome).
When the candida dies, it spews off toxins. The erosion of bacteria in the colon makes the body prone to parasitic invasion. The yeast causes inflammation in the mucus membranes of the colon. As a result, fecal impactions can occur along the walls of the large intestines. This can harbor the yeast, parasites and toxins. If left untreated, these foreign entities can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and body organs. This can then spur other yeast infections in other areas of a man's body.
Mouth Thrush
The high levels of yeast in the colon can spur mouth thrush, or oral thrush, in men. Oral thrush appears as either white, creamy or yellow lesions on the tongue. Though the legions do not usually hurt, they can bleed if rubbed. These lesions can also appear inside the cheeks, roof of the mouth and gums, and even spread to the throat and tonsils. Like candidiasis, oral thrush can spread to the bloodstream and invade other organs and cells, even the brain. Doctors often prescribe nystatin lozenges and pills to control or cure oral thrush.
Penile Yeast Infections
Men can also get penile yeast infections. This fungal infection can cause severe itching and burning. Men who have this problem usually get reddish bumps or blisters on the head or shaft of their penis; and sometimes on the scrotum. Men can sometimes get a clumpy white discharge as well as a starchy odor in the area. Penile yeast infections can stem from systemic or recurring candida infections. This infection can be treated with nystatin creams.
Another male yeast infection is intertrigo, a severe skin rash that occurs in warm, moist areas of the body such as the armpits and folds of the skin (obese people). Symptoms of intertrigo include a bright red rash with scaling at the edges. The condition is often treated with miconazole or clotrimazole creams. Intertrigo patients must keep all areas of the body dry after showering or bathing.
Ahtlete's Foot
Men can also get athlete's foot. This can be caused from wearing tight shoes and sweaty or wet socks too long. Men can also get it in public showers or around swimming pools. Athlete's foot usually causes flaking, scaling and itching between the toes as well as on the top and bottom of them. It can also appear on the top and bottom of the feet. A men's feet will crack and blister in more severe cases. Anti-fungal creams usually help cure the fungus. Sometimes oral antibiotics are needed to cure athlete's foot.