How to Stop Bloating
Start a walking program. Exercise will help you to avoid gas and bloating because it will aid your body in metabolizing the gas causing bloating.
Thoroughly chew your food. If you food is well chewed, it is easier for your body to break it down for digestion and produce less gas and bloating.
Stay away from gassy foods such as cabbage, beans and eggs. If a food causes you to have gas, it will cause you to bloat. If you are going to eat these foods use an over the counter enzyme such as Been-o which breaks down the sugar that causes gas and bloating.
Eat slowly. When you eat slowly you are less likely to swallow excess air which is a cause of gas and bloating.
Stay away from sugarless products. Surgarless products contain sorbitol which is very difficult for your body to break down and digest which in turn causes gas and bloating.