Human Parasitic Diseases
What Are Human Parasitic Diseases?
Human parasites are organisms that reside inside the body, They depend on our bodies as the only source for their food and nutrients. These parasites often cause diseases.
Ulcers of the intestines are caused by entamoeba histolytica, an amoeba. This is one of the most common parasites in the human digestive system. They mostly reside inside the small intestines. They can also be found inside the colon. The amoeba parasites release enzymes inside the stomach, causing an intestinal ulcer. Through the bloodstream, the amoeba can penetrate other parts of the body and cause damage to other body organs.
Allergies and Rashes
Allergies and skin rashes are caused by worm infections. Although these worms are rarely seen, they cause numerous health problems for humans. They inflame the tissues inside the body, which in turn leads to reactions to certain foods. Their activities tend to increase the level of white blood cells in the body. This action may produce extreme rashes with blisters on the skin. Food allergies and other sensitivities may result as well.
Some forms of asthma are caused by roundworms inside the human body. Female roundworms living inside the human digestive system could produce up to 200,000 eggs daily, all inside the body. Over 1 billion people all over the world are estimated to have roundworms inside their body. Other than asthma, roundworms can cause eye pain, rashes and insomnia.
Abdominal Cramps, Intestinal Gas
Giardia is the most prevalent intestinal parasite inside the human body. These parasites enter the body through contaminated drinking water. Millions of giardia parasites coat the walls of the intestines, which makes it difficult for food nutrients to be absorbed. This can produce abdominal cramps, colored stools, bad absorption of food, intestinal gas, diarrhea and general weakness.