What Can I Do to Decrease My Flatulence?
Avoid Foods that Cause Gas
Some foods cause more flatulence because they are more difficult for the body to break down. According to Tummytrouble.co.uk, foods such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, beans, dairy products, apples, corn and potatoes require a certain amount of bacteria for digestion and therefore are likely to produce more flatulence than foods that are digested easily. Avoiding carbonated beverages and chewing gum are also ways to reduce flatulence, as both will force the swallowing of air that must be expelled at some point through either belching or flatulence. Planning meals that include foods such as eggs, bananas, rice, hard cheeses and other easily digested foods are very likely to reduce the occurrence of gas in most people.
Over the Counter
Over-the-counter gas reduction supplements work well to reduce flatulence. Several brands contain natural enzymes that prevent gas before it starts. These dietary supplements will help in the digestion of beans and other complex carbohydrates that often are the culprit for flatulence.
Smaller Meals and Eat Slowly
Overeating and eating too quickly can contribute to flatulence. Large meals are harder work for your digestive system and can mean improper digestion is more likely to occur. Gobbling down food instead of chewing slowly and taking your time will also force more air to be trapped in your digestive tract.
Home Remedy
Fennel is a recommended home remedy for reducing flatulence, according to Home-remedies-for-you.com. Boil some fennel seeds in water to make a tea. It has a pleasant licorice type taste and if consumed at the end of each meal, it should help you completely avoid gas.