Home Remedies for Constipation for Children
Constipation can bring discomfort and stomach pains, but you can relieve these problems with a few home remedies. However, if your child experiences a tremendous amount of pain, has a distended stomach or bloody stools, it could indicate a blockage that requires medical attention.
If your infant becomes constipated, try a sweet mixture of 1 tsp. of Karo syrup with 6 to 8 oz. of formula. The syrup draws water into the bowel and should loosen the stool.
You also can try a glycerin suppository to loosen the rectum and encourage stool production. Glycerin suppositories are soft gels that are inserted anally and dissolve once inserted. Pick up glycerin suppositories at any local drug store.
Make some high-fiber bran muffins for your children to eat every morning for breakfast. Add raisins or small carob chips to make them more appealing.
Also try a plate of raw cut vegetables and ranch dip as snacks instead of processed baked goods. Make sure your child drinks plenty of water, which is one of the best ways to get things moving. Include low-sugar fruit juices, which act as natural laxatives.
Toilet Training
If toilet training might be causing constipation, try turning over some control to your child. A child who is too young for toilet training might rebel against your methods and will hold stools as a way of controlling the situation. He might also feel anxious about trying to perfect toilet training too quickly.
Allow your child to take control of other situations to allow him to feel more comfortable using the toilet. Let him choose his clothing or what he eats for lunch. Be sure he understands that you are happy with his progression and that he can take as long as he likes to learn how to use the potty.
If he sees that you aren't potty training him to take control over his life or judging him, he'll be more likely to relax and have bowel movements.