Infections Caused by Yeast
Candidiasis is an internal yeast infection that can cause toxic buildup in the colon as well as parasites. Though bacteria in the colon fight yeast, they die in the process. This can create an environment more suitable for parasites. These parasites feed on the yeast. And when the yeast dies, it creates toxins. If left untreated, the yeast, toxins and parasites can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and organs. Candidiasis is often the culprit in other yeast infections. It can also cause headaches, muscle and joint pain, gastritis and even autoimmune diseases (i.e. fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome).
Genital Yeast Infections
Both men and women get genital yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infections can cause burning, itching and pain. Women often get a thick discharge like cottage cheese, which can have a starchy odor. Men can also have odor and itching on their scrotum or penis. A male yeast infection often causes dry and cracked skin on the penis after erections. The penis can also have small reddish bumps or blisters. Men who drink a lot of beer are susceptible to penile yeast infections. Both men and women can spread yeast infections to their partners through sexual intercourse. Nystatin creams are often prescribed for both men and women to kill the yeast.
Mouth or Oral Thrush
Thrush is a yeast infection that affects the mucus membranes of the mouth. People with thrush often have white, cream-colored or yellow spots in their mouths. Though these spots do not cause pain, they can bleed if one tries to scrape them off. Babies and people with poor diets, diabetes and cancer can be particularly vulnerable to thrush. Thrush is normally treated with oral anti-fungal suspensions, lozenges or tablets.
Ringworm is a yeast infection that can appear on the buttocks, scalp, groin area or feet. Ringworm usually appears as itchy, red, raised or scaly patches on the skin. Kids are susceptible to ringworm, though adults can get it, too. People can get it from shower or pool surfaces, pets, unwashed clothing, or from using other people's combs. Ringworm can be prevented by keeping the skin and feet dry and clean, and by washing the hair after getting a haircut.
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a common foot problem caused by a yeast fungus. Athlete's foot usually appears between the toes and on top of them. The majority of the population has been affected by athlete's foot at some point in their life. Yeast can settle in between the toes when tight shoes rub against the feet. They become cracked and dry. This, coupled with sweating, can make one prone to athlete's foot. People can prevent athlete's foot by keeping the feet dry after working out and after showering and swimming.