What Are the Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack?
According to MedlinePlus.com, more women than men develop gallstones, and both men and women have an increased risk of having gallstones as they age. Symptoms of a gallbladder attack occur when either inflammation of the gallbladder or a large stone blocking a bile duct leads to trapped bile in the gallbladder. The bile accumulates, causing pressure and irritation in the gallbladder. When this happens, bacterial infection and perforation of the bladder can occur.
Primary Symptoms
The primary symptom of a gallbladder attack is severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen or in the upper middle of the abdomen, just under the breastbone. The pain is usually sudden and rapidly intensifies. It may be either a sharp, dull or cramping pain and often comes and goes. Eventually the pain may radiate to the right shoulder blade area or to the back. The pain typically occurs just minutes after eating. Another common symptom is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
Time Frame
According to the Mayo Clinic, the pain associated with a gallbladder attack can last from a few minutes to several hours.
Serious Complications
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases warns that some symptoms of a gallbladder attack indicate serious complications and require immediate medical attention. These include pain that lasts longer than five hours, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, clay-colored stools and yellowish skin and whites of the eyes.
Many people have gallstones and never display any symptoms. The stones often show up during a routine X-ray or abdominal surgery for an unrelated condition.
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