Acid Reflux Home Cures
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, common foods are typically associated with heartburn. These foods include spicy foods, citrus fruits, fatty and fried foods, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, onions, garlic, mint and tomato-based foods. Some of these foods may cause no heartburn symptoms in you, while others can induce problems. Keep a food journal to determine what foods cause your acid reflux. Write down everything that you eat and any symptoms. To avoid acid reflux, the National Institutes of Health recommends eating smaller meals, avoiding bending over after eating, refraining from laying down after a meal and losing weight if you are obese. In addition, wearing tight clothes can squeeze the acid up to the esophagus. Try eating in a relaxed atmosphere, because stress can be a contributing factor to acid reflux. Avoid stressful conversations by putting on music and creating a serene environment.
Drinking a glass of water as soon as you feel burning in the chest can alleviate acid reflux. Water can dilute the acid and clear the esophagus. Drink one 8-oz. glass of water when symptoms arise. Potato juice has alkaline properties that neutralize stomach acid and reduce the amount of acid in the gastrointestinal system. Make juice from a potato and add an equal amount of water. Drink the mixture three times a day. Leo Galland, M.D, author of "Power Healing," suggests drinking cabbage or carrot juice once a day. He also recommends drinking 4 oz. of aloe vera juice a day. Aloe vera is able to soothe and repair an irritated esophagus. Be careful when taking this herb, however, because it can be a powerful laxative.
Many antacids contain aluminum and sodium. For people with hypertension problems, excess sodium can exacerbate those problems. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease, and any consumption should be at a minimum. Bypass these problems by taking herbs. Marshmallow is able to coat the esophagus, protecting it from acid and soothing the inflamed esophagus lining. Another herb to use is slippery elm. Much like marshmallow, this herb contains mucilage, which can coat the esophagus. Other herbs used to aid digestion and reduce bouts of heartburn include ginger, fennel, catnip and chamomile tea.