How to Test for Helicobacter Pylori
Make an appointment with your physician. If you have any of the symptoms associated with H. pylori infection, have a doctor evaluate your condition and decide which test to order.
Get blood work done. Blood work results can indicate whether you may have helicobacter pylori infection as well as rule out any other potential causes of your symptoms.
Take a breath test for H. pylori detection. A breath test involves drinking a specially formulated solution that contains a small amount of radioactive molecules. Patients who have the H. pylori bacteria present will release these molecules when they breathe. To take the test, breathe into a bag. The results will be tested for the presence of radioactive molecules.
See if there are any other lab tests you should have done to test for H. pylori. For instance, a stool test involves the collection and lab examination of a stool sample. Antigens associated with the infection will likely be present in patients with H. pylori.
Arrange to have an endoscopy done. If you have symptoms of H. pylori, your doctor may choose to order an endoscopy. During an endoscopy, your doctor will take images of your digestive system as well as potentially take tissue samples to test for the infection.