Inflamed Gallbladder Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
One of the first symptoms of an inflamed gallbladder individuals may experience is abdominal pain on the right side of the body. This pain can occur after you eat a meal--especially one where a lot of fat was consumed--or when you take a deep breath. The abdominal area is tender when touched. The pain can be excrutiating and will typically peak in 15 to 60 minutes and can last from six to 12 or more hours.
Chest Pain and Heartburn
Another symptom of an inflamed gallbladder is chest pain and heartburn. These pains are not always located in the central area of the chest. Instead, they are located under the breastbone.
When the gallbladder becomes severely inflamed, individuals often experience episode of chills accompanied by shaking and sweating.
Fever occurs when the body's temperature exceeds 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. As the body's defense mechanism, it works with the other inflamed gallbladder symptoms to warn individuals that infected material has become trapped inside.
Jaundice occurs when something is not functioning properly in the liver or gallbladder. This symptom causes the skin to turn yellow due to the buildup of bilirubin, a substance produced when hemoglobin breaks down.