What Are the Treatments for Gall Stones?

The gallbladder releases bile, a substance produced in the liver that aids in digestion. Gallstones form when this bile hardens due to the presence of excess cholesterol or bilirubin ( a substance involved in breaking down red blood cells) or if the gallbladder does not empty properly. Gallstones are quite common and for many, do not cause problems and do not require any medical intervention. If they are causing pain or discomfort, treatment options are available to get rid of them as well as strategies to treat symptoms and reduce formation of new stones.
  1. Surgery

    • If you are plagued by frequent painful gallstone attacks, your doctor might perform a cholecystectomy, a surgery that removes the gallbladder. The gallbladder is not a vital organ needed to survive and its removal will not affect your digestive processes.

    Other Conventional Treatments

    • Medications to dissolve gallstones are another option. Ursodiol, an oral bile acid, acts on cholesterol stones and works in about 40 percent of patients. Moctanin is given by injection directly into the bile duct or gallbladder to dissolve stones.

      Lithotripsy, known as shock wave therapy, helps break up stones.

    Diet and Nutritional Supplements

    • Certain dietary suggestions can help address symptoms and reduce formation of new stones. Make fiber and antioxidant rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables as well as unsaturated fats like those found in fish and nuts as a regular part of your diet. Eat foods rich in B vitamins and iron such as whole grains, dark leafy greens and sea vegetables. Eat less red meat and get your protein mainly from beans, cold water fish, tofu and lean meats. Avoid alcohol as well.

      Take a multivitamin daily to address any nutritional deficiencies in the diet. Phosphatidylcholine can help dissolve gallstones; take 300 to 2,000 mg daily.

    Herbal Treatments

    • Milk thistle helps detoxify the liver and gallbladder; take 80 to 160 mg three times a day. Globe artichoke supports liver and gallbladder health; take 250 to 500 mg three times a day. Turmeric supports liver health; take 300 mg three times daily.

    Acupuncture and Physical Medicine

    • Acupuncture treatments might be of benefit by relieving pain and spasms, encouraging proper bile flow and restoring the general health of the liver and gallbladder. If you are experiencing pain and swelling from gallstones, apply castor oil to a clean cloth and place directly on the stomach. Cover the cloth with plastic wrap and place a water bottle or heating pad over the pack; keep on for 30 to 60 minutes. Use for three consecutive days.

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