What Are the Benefits of Boldo?

Boldo, Peumus Boldus, also known as boldus and boldoa, is a Chilean evergreen that has traditionally been used as a medicinal plant in both Chile and Mediterranean countries, where it was introduced and has since naturalized. Although the FDA has never approved Boldo for medicinal use, it is still widely used to treat a variety of problems.
  1. Caution

    • While Boldo has a long history of use as a homeopathic and traditional medicine, it has not undergone thorough scientific testing and its benefits and potential dangers are not known. Reported uses are not based on scientific testing. A doctor should always be consulted before taking Boldo.


    • Boldo can be found growing in either small tree or shrub form. Boldo can be identified by its aromatic and tough green leaves, which are slightly bitter in taste and strong scented flowers. Female plants bear small, edible yellowish-green fruits during the southern equatorial summer.

    Historic Use

    • Chileans have traditionally used Boldo leaves to treat liver and gallbladder problems. The fruit is edible and is also used as a spice. The bark of the Boldo tree has traditionally been used for tanning hides.


    • Today, Boldo is still used to treat liver and gallbladder disorders. It is also used to improve general liver health, to treat indigestion and stomach cramps, as a diuretic, as a laxative and as an appetite stimulant. Boldo has not been approved by the FDA for any of these uses.


    • Boldo should not be used by people with liver or gallbladder problems, diabetics, people currently on blood thinners or women who may be pregnant. Boldo should not be used for long periods of time. Always consult a doctor or pharmacist before beginning to take a drug or traditional medicine like Boldo.

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