How to Test for a Hiatal Hernia
Things You'll Need
- Barium X-ray equipment
- Endoscopy equipment
Record a detailed description of symptoms as described by the patient and analyze them in order to determine if these symptoms merit further tests for hiatal hernia. Common symptoms include heartburn, chronic indigestion, nausea and excessive burping.
Refer the patient for a barium X-ray, in which he or she will consume a internalize barium by drinking a special chalky liquid. View X-rays of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine to look for a possible hernia.
Refer the patient for an endoscopy, in which she will have an endoscope (slender lighted camera instrument) inserted into the esophagus for the purpose of taking pictures of the area. Analyze the pictures to determine if there is a hernia and possible damage from acid reflux.