Internal-Body Cleansing

People cleanse their bodies for a number of reasons: to lose weight, feel better or overcome certain symptoms associated with chronic diseases. Internal body cleansing is necessary to eliminate systemic yeast, toxins, parasites and viruses from the tissues, organs and colon. There are many ways to cleanse the body. Most people use a combination of diet, supplements, juicing, colon cleanses and full-body detoxes.
  1. Diet

    • It is important to eliminate most glutens and sugars when doing an internal body cleanse. This is especially true if one's motivation behind the cleansing is due to an illness or autoimmune disease. Many diseases are believed to be caused by systemic yeast, which emit toxins when they die. Gluten and sugar feed this yeast and cause it to multiply. If one does not limit this yeast, an internal cleanse is not going to be very effective.

      The problem with gluten-free diets is that most commercial foods such as bread, pasta, pastries, crackers and milk contain gluten. Those who do colon cleanses need to either substitute other foods, or eat more foods without glutens. There are plenty of breads and pastas made from brown rice and almonds. One can also eat meat, potatoes, yams, vegetables and fruits when doing an internal-body cleanse. Fruits do contain some sugar, so it is best to limit them. Amaranth, millet and buckwheat products are also gluten- and sugar-free.

    Probiotics and Enzymes

    • Probiotics can ad "friendly" bacteria to the colon and help to kill yeast. They can be purchased at health food or grocery stores. Yogurt also has cultures and can also be used to fight systemic yeast.

      Enzymes also kill yeast. People who have food allergies often suffer from a depletion of digestive enzymes. For example, one who has problems with starchy foods may be lacking the enzyme cellulose. Enzymes can also be purchased where vitamins are sold. Raw vegetables are fraught with enzymes and can serve the same purpose.


    • Juicing can rid internal organs such as the liver and gall bladder of toxins. Juicing is simply mixing vegetables in a blender and drinking them. It allows someone to consume more vegetables, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Some common vegetables used for juicing include carrots, cucumbers, parsley, celery, beets, garlic and wheat grass. Fruits can also be added for flavor. All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of nutrients as well. Vitamins contain antioxidants, which protect healthy cells and eliminate unbalanced cells----those that have been invaded by parasites, toxins or vitamins.

    Colon Cleanses

    • There are two types of colon cleanses: colonic irrigation and powder or syrup colon cleanses. The colonic-irrigation process flushes the large intestines with purified water, eliminating toxins, yeast and fecal impactions. It is usually administered by a licensed colon hydrotherapist, though there are home units available. Powder or syrup colon cleanses contain a mixture of fiber, foods and herbs that kill yeast and eliminate foreign substances from the body. Both methods have been known to be effective in removing tapeworms, paramecium and other parasites. Colonic irrigation is usually done over a couple of months. Oral colon cleanses usually take about one month.

    Ionic Foot Baths

    • Ionic foot bathes send positive and negative ions to body cells, eliminating those that are unbalanced (contain toxins, parasites or viruses). Ionic foot baths can remove toxins from most cells and organs in the body. The color of the water shows from which organ the toxins are being removed. For example, water with an orange hue indicates that one has detoxed one or more joints in the body.

    Saunas & Massage Chairs

    • Saunas can also cleanse the body. They employ heat to eliminate unbalanced cells containing parasites, toxins and viruses. These foreign bodies are usually unable to withstand high temperatures. Toxins and microorganisms are eliminated through the pores of the skin.

      Massage chairs are also effective for internal-body cleansing. These units can massage most areas of the body, kneading and forcing foreign entities out of the muscle cells. Most of these substances are eliminated through the colon. The combination of massage chairs and colon cleanses can be extremely effective in cleansing the entire body.

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