Pancreas Disease Symptoms
The facts
The pancreas is part of the digestive system. Digestive juices of the pancreas combine with the digestive juices of the intestines to complete the breakdown of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Hormones secreted in the pancreas also affect levels of blood sugar. Problems with the pancreas can lead to several health problems.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, and can be either acute or chronic. It can be very painful and is sometimes deadly. Acute pancreatitis can be a single or recurring event. It starts with pain in the upper abdomen, which may be severe and sometimes radiates to the back. The pain often lasts for several days and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The abdomen may be swollen and tender. The symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are very similar to acute pancreatitis, although the pain may be dull or moderate. Chronic pancreatitis may also involve weight loss. In chronic pancreatitis, the pancreas is permanently damaged. The most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol abuse.
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer usually has poor prognosis, even when diagnosed early. Signs and symptoms don't appear until the disease is advanced. Symptoms include loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain that may radiate to the back, jaundice, fatigue, weight loss and depression. There may be other gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain and bloating. Some people with pancreatic cancer develop diabetes.
Pancreatic insufficiency
Pancreatic insufficiency is the inability of the pancreas to produce or transport enough digestive juices to break down food in the intestine. It typically occurs as a result of progressive pancreatic damage. It is usually associated with chronic pancreatitis in adults and cystic fibrosis in children. Symptoms include diarrhea and weight loss.
Diseases of the pancreas can cause severe pain or no symptoms at all. Although pain is usually in the upper abdomen, it can also be in the upper left side or the upper right side of the body. If pain is severe, seek immediate medical attention. Acute pancreatitis can lead to infection and internal bleeding, and can be life-threatening.