Colon Parasite Detox
How Parasites Invade The Body
Parasites can invade your body through the skin, eyes, mouth, digestive tract and even via cuts and abrasions, particularly on your feet. Topical solutions are often recommended as an immediate treatment. However, most parasites are expelled through the colon. Parasites in your colon can cause weight gain and other health issues, as they "consume" the food you eat and deprive your body of essential nutrients.
Poor diet and the overuse of antibiotics can spur an overgrowth of systemic yeast (candida albicans) in the large intestine. This yeast can erode the body's natural bacteria, making the colon less acidic and more suitable for parasitic invasion. These foreign substances need to be removed before they enter the bloodstream and make their way into body cells and organs.
Colonic Irrigation
Colonic irrigation is the process of flushing the large intestine with purified water to eliminate parasites. A tube carries the water into the three sections of the colon (descending, transverse and ascending). The water pressure removes fecal deposits from the colon walls, where parasites often congregate to feed on systemic yeast. Parasites such as paramecium are then removed when you dispel the water out of your colon into a basin. A colon hydrotherapist usually administers a colonic irrigation, and most people require six to eight sessions over a three- or four-week period. Home units are also available, but are not as effective.
Powder and Syrup Cleansers
Most powder or syrup colon cleanses are done for two to four weeks. The solution is mixed in a liquid drink and consumed each day. Colon cleansers use a combination of herbs and foods that rid the body of yeast and parasites, including tapeworms. Like colonics, these cleansers "scrape" the intestinal walls to break up clumps of fecal matter and mucus. Some ingredients used in colon cleansers include cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, senna and aloe leaves. Herbal teas and tinctures that contain pau d'Arco are also used to kill yeast and parasites. Pau d'Arco is a natural herb culled from the inner bark of the taheebo tree, which grows primarily in Central and South America.
Eliminating Parasites Through Diet
People with parasites should eat gluten-free foods and stay away from sugars. Glutens and sugar feed the yeast in your colon, and greater concentrations of yeast in turn strengthen parasites, which then multiply.
Avoid common glutens as much as possible, including anything that contains wheat, barley, rye or any of their derivatives. This can be difficult, as most commercial breads, pastas, pastries and even milk contain glutens and sugar. Focus on rice substitutes---including rice milk and flour---and eat plenty of beans, vegetables and lean meats.
Probiotics and Juicing
Probiotics help replenish the colon with "friendly" bacteria, as the body's natural bacteria is eroded when fighting an overgrowth of yeast. This helps the body kill both the yeast and parasites in the colon. Probiotics can be purchased at a health-food or grocery store. Yogurt also contains cultures that can be effective in restoring natural flora to the colon.
Juices can be highly effective in eliminating parasites. Most raw vegetables such as carrots, celery, radishes, parsley and cucumbers have high levels of enzymes that help stanch yeast and parasites in the colon. Purchase fresh vegetables and liquefy them in a juicer or blender, or buy the juices at Whole Foods or elsewhere.