Signs & Symptoms of Whipples Disease
Pain Symptoms
Whipple's disease affects the digestive system, so many of the more common symptoms will be felt in the abdominal area. One of the primary symptoms for Whipple's disease is a severe abdominal pain or cramping that will usually occur shortly after you have eaten. You may also begin to experience pain and stiffness in the joints. This is most noticeable in the ankles, the knees and the wrists.
Weight Loss
Whipple's disease affects the body's ability to properly absorb nutrients. Because the body is unable to absorb and utilize the nutrients it needs on a daily basis you may begin to experience a continuous and unexplained weight loss.
Flu-Like Symptoms
Whipple's disease can also give you flu-like symptoms in the early or late stages of the disease. You may begin to experience bouts with diarrhea, and you may also begin to feel nauseous. You might start to run a slight fever, which should normally not get to dangerous levels. You could begin to develop a cough, and start to feel achy in your joints and all over your body.
Spreading Infection
Whipple's disease may spread beyond the digestive system and start to affect other parts of the body, giving other kinds of symptoms. If Whipple's disease spreads to your heart, you may begin to experience heart palpitations or murmurs. Whipple's disease could spread to your liver and cause your liver to enlarge, which could cause your skin to turn a brownish color in some places. Whipple's disease could spread to your brain, where it could cause you to have memory loss and a loss of coordination, which would make walking difficult and could cause you to have mood swings.
Whipple's disease could cause your lungs to begin to fill with fluid, which will make breathing extremely difficult. The membrane surrounding the lungs may also start to experience inflammation, which can create chest pains and a bloated feeling in your chest.