About Acid Indigestion Relief
Over-The-Counter Medicines
One option to relieve heartburn is the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. There are several options. Antacids, or medicines that will neutralize the stomach acid, are a quick form of relief. Common brands are Tums, Rolaids, Maalox or Mylanta. There are also medications that reduce the production of acid in the stomach, known as H-2-receptor blockers, which are slower acting than antacids but provide relief for longer periods of time. Tagamet HB, Pepcid AC or Zantac are popular brands of H-2 receptor blockers. Finally, proton pump inhibitors are medicines created to control stomach acid and heal the esophagus of any damage caused by previous cases of indigestion. Look for Prevacid 24 HR or Prilosec OTC if you think a proton pump inhibitor may be right for you.
As always, talk to your doctor about what medicines are right for your situation. Follow dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer for a safe and effective treatment.
Natural Prevention
If taking medications is not right for you, for one reason or another, consider using a natural method to prevent acid indigestion.
Before eating a meal, drinking a mixture of roughly 1 tbsp. of lemon juice or cider vinegar in a glass of hot water can ward off possible indigestion. This is due to the alkaline properties of both lemon juice and cider vinegar, which counteracts the acidity causing indigestion. Peppermint and chamomile tea also neutralizes stomach acid. Drinking any of these about 30 minutes before eating can prevent acid indigestion.
Mixing 2 or 3 drops of mint essence into an 8-ounce glass of water, and drinking it every 3 to 4 hours, can also prevent acid indigestion.
Natural Remedies
Once again, if you need to use a natural remedy for indigestion that is already in progress, there are a few options. Fruits high in alkaline properties can be beneficial. Try drinking pineapple juice, or eat an orange or some grapes. Baking soda (about 1/2 teaspoon) mixed into a glass of water can also be very calming to an upset stomach. Drink a peppermint, chamomile, raspberry or blackberry tea. Ingesting a mixture of equal amounts of honey and lemon juice is also a helpful remedy.
Other Alternative Remedies
There are other alternative remedies in your lifestyle that can help to prevent acid indigestion from occurring. Maintain a healthy weight, as excess pounds can push up on the stomach and force acid up into the esophagus. Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight, as it can have the same effect. Eating large meals or eating too quickly can trigger heartburn so eat smaller portions and take your time when eating. Also, avoid lying down for a couple hours after a meal to give your stomach a chance to digest. As stress is often the cause, consider aromatherapy, mild exercise, meditation, music or massage.
Things To Avoid
Avoid ingesting tomato sauce and alcohol, both common causes of acid indigestion. Beverages containing caffeine, such as tea, coffee, soda or energy drinks, can worsen indigestion due to their effects on the esophagus, and should also be avoided. Smoking is another behavior found to trigger indigestion, so cut back on smoking or stop altogether.