About Body Toxin Cleansing
Why It Is Necessary
Many illnesses or symptoms of gastritis stem from an overproduction of a yeastlike fungus is called candida albicans. It lives naturally in the colon but can grow excessively if one uses too many antibiotics or corticosteroids over time. Poor diet and chlorinated water are also culprits. As candida dies, it emits toxins in the body. These toxins can permeate cell membranes and vital organs, which can cause premature aging and disease.
People who detoxify their bodies need to eat gluten-free foods and drink purified or distilled water. Sugar needs to be eliminated as well. This can be challenging because most commercial bread, pasta and snacks contain wheat or yeast, two foods that are high in gluten. Snacks and cold cereals are fraught with sugar. Fortunately, there are many brown rice, almond or spelt substitutes on the market.
Candida feeds on sugar, yeast and gluten. That is why one must adhere to a strict diet when undergoing body toxin cleansing.
Foods & Herbs
Some foods and herbs will kill yeast and absorb toxins. Garlic is a highly effective yeast killer, as is vinegar. Virgin coconut oil works well, too. Other yeast killers include grapefruit seed extract, cayenne pepper and Paul d'Arco tea.
Probiotics & Enzymes
Excess candida can erode the natural bacteria in the large intestines. Probiotics can add "friendly" bacteria to help fight the systemic yeast. One does not necessarily have to purchase probiotics. Yogurt contains cultures and can serve the same purpose.
Enzymes help to fight yeast and eliminate toxins from the body. One can either buy digestive enzymes or start eating a lot of raw vegetables. Juicing raw vegetables are also recommended.
Colon Cleanses & Colonic Irrigation
Colon cleanses usually come in powder form. They contain an amalgamation of foods and herbs to rid the body of yeast, toxins and parasites. Candida changes the acidic environment of the colon, making it more suitable for a parasitic invasion. Colon cleanses can clear the walls of the large intestines where these microorganisms reside.
Colonic irrigation entails flushing the large intestines with purified water. One session can equal 20 bowel movements, which in addition to urinating is the main way to rid the body of these pernicious substances.