Colonic Cleanse Procedure
The Colon's Function
The colon is a collective name for the excretory system's large intestine, the rectum and the anus. The colon measure over 5 feet long, and it begins at the end of the small intestine and exits the body at the anus. The colon has four main regions--the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid regions.
After the digestion in the stomach and small intestine, the colon is the site where minerals and water are absorbed from the digested food matter, and the remaining food waste is eliminated from the colon as feces. The colon contains microorganisms that make up its normal flora. These microorganisms play important roles in maximizing the digestive, absorption and elimination processes.
How Does the Colon Become Blocked?
With the exception of a medical condition that will cause the colon to malfunction, lifestyle habits and the environment block the colon. A diet high in cooked foods and meats and low in fresh vegetables and fiber are amongst the causes. Environmental pollutants may leave toxic deposits within the colon, as does a poor water supply or lack of adequate water consumption. Relying solely on mechanical transportation and sedentary leisure activities is a culprit in the lack of regular physical exercise.
All of these factors slow down digestion and even bring it to a halt. It then causes digested food matter to become impacted against the walls of the colon, since it just sits there and becomes further processed by the body heat and digestive chemicals.
Colon Cleansing
Prior to beginning a colon cleanse, seek medical clearance to perform the cleansing and to stop any medications. You will be opening up your colon to increase its absorption activities and this may dramatically affect how your medications are absorbed. For many colon-cleansing procedures, the patient is encouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, or just drink fresh vegetable or fruit juice, or salt water, as they abstain from eating. They are encouraged to avoid all junk foods, dairy, meats, coffee and tea.
A colon cleanse may be self-prepared by making a psyllium husk and bentonite clay (P&B) shake to drink once a day, followed by ample water. This drink is gradually increased to 2 cups, then 3 cups, and up to 5 cups for a two-week to two-month period. There are also commercially prepared colon-cleansing formulas and teas, which add a little more convenience to the preparation process.
A colon cleanse dehydrates the body and removes the good bacteria in the colon's normal flora. It is important to rehydrate the body and to consume probiotics to maintain these good bacteria. Enemas are also recommended to wash out the colon each from what was not removed by the colon cleanse.
Once the colon cleanse is complete, maintaining a natural food diet, drinking fresh water and regular exercise is recommended for long-term colon health.
Another colon cleanse method is the colonic hydrotherapy. This is a water irrigation treatment that flushes the colon out using about 30 gallons of water in a one-hour session. It is performed by a colon hydrotherapist who monitors and regulates the water's temperature, flow and pressure. This helps to stimulate peristalsis, along with an abdominal massage, to remove impacted waste in the colon.