Cons of a Colonic Irrigation
Infections & Allergic Reactions
People who undergo colon irrigation can be prone to infections. If the equipment is not properly sterilized, disease and illnesses can be spread from the tube and the handles. At times, the tube can be dispelled from the rectum during treatment. It often comes into contact with the basin, which may not be sterilized. This can cause any number of bacterial or viral infections. Moreover, people touch the water control handles during their treatment, after lubricating themselves and inserting the tube into their rectum. Consequently, the handles become a conduit for disease.
In rarer cases, people have had reactions to the latex of the speculum, the end piece of the tube that is inserted into the rectum. This can cause anaphylactic shock in people who have severe reactions to latex.
Some colon hydrotherapists use just the tubes without a speculum. It is often a matter of cost since these items are disposable. However, the tubes can hurt going in and can cause hemorrhoids, even with proper lubrication. Furthermore, the tubes are usually inserted at least 4 inches into the rectum and descending colon. They are often curved because of the angle of the hose. One risks puncturing the wall of the colon if they are not careful, which can leave the body prone to infection and toxemia (toxins in the blood).
Electrolytes are minerals in the body such as potassium and sodium. The nerves and vital organs such as the heart use them to carry electrical impulses. A colonic irrigation will flush a considerable amount of these electrolytes out of the body and leave a person dehydrated. Though most colon hydrotherapists will provide a patient with an electrolyte drink after treatment, problems can occur from these imbalances during a colonic session. In rare cases, a person can develop fluid in the lungs or die from heart failure.
Natural Bacteria In The Body
About 25 to 30 gallons of water are used during a typical colonics session. This amount of water can easily cause a erosion of the body's natural bacteria. Supplements are available for replenishing bacteria, but the microorganisms must be able to survive the acid in one's stomach to reach the large intestines. If not, a person can become temporarily prone to infections or parasitic invasions.
Existing Conditions
It is extremely important that people with certain conditions do not undergo colonic irrigation. Anyone with the following conditions should not undergo colonic irrigation: cirrhosis of the liver, colon carcinoma, high blood pressure, heart problems, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids and rectal tumors. Also, never do colonics right after rectal surgery.