How to Get Through a Colonoscopy Without the Worry

It is recommended that at age 50 you have a colonoscopy. The thought of having this procedure may cause worry, stress and resistance. Knowing what the entire procedure is for having a colonoscopy will help to demystify the dread of having this health screening test.


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      Colonoscopy Preparation at Home

      One week before the procedure stop taking supplements that can interfere with clotting such as herbal supplements, blood thinners, and anything with iron. Begin eating light meals that include clear liquids, white bread, and chicken without the skin on. These foods are easy to digest. Your Doctor will prescribe a prep treatment that will begin the day before the colonoscopy. This will involve drinking a laxative type of solution which will keep you near the bathroom for a good amount of time. To make this as comfortable as possible have an alternative to toilet paper, such as Tucks Wipes. The day of the procedure do not eat anything and ask your Doctor about taking any daily medications.

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      Colonoscopy Procedure

      During the procedure you will undress and slip into a backless gown. An IV will be set up to provide a slight sedation and a heart monitor will be hooked up. Laying on the left side with knees drawn up the procedure will take place and most individuals do not feel anything. A short time is needed for recovery, have juice and something light to eat and make arrangements to be driven home by another individual.

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      After the Colonoscopy

      There may be some cramping or bloating which will clear up when you pass gas. Depending on your Doctor you will have a follow-up appointment or will receive your results in the mail.

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