Where to Buy Acai Cleanse
Health Food Stores---National & Local
Acai cleanse can be purchased from national chains including Whole Foods, Trader Joes and GNC, as well as local health food stores in your area. Check your local health food stores to see if they carry acai cleanse. If they don't carry the item, ask about having it ordered. National chains carry an array of acai berry cleanses and products. Make sure the acai product you select states that it is made from pure or real acai berries.
One online website that sells a acai cleanse is HealthandWellnessOffers.com. Check out their "AcaiPure" product. The site does offer a "Free Trial" of their product. The trial bottle of the product contains 20 tablets.
Another website that sells a acai cleanse is H2tfit.com. Their product is called "Super Acai Cleanse." It works along with a diet plan and exercise. The product claims to not have any side effects, and the detox is suppose to be gentle on the body. H2tfit.com's product contains 60 capsules.
You can also purchase a acai cleanser off of Amazon.com. There is ample product information on the "Acai Super Cleanse #1 Highly Potent Antioxidant." The product comes in capsule form---180 capsules to a bottle and is a detox, colon cleanser and weight loss supplement.
Beware of Free Trials
Make sure you read the fine print on "Free Trials." Many of these offers require you to provide a credit card number before the trial is sent out to you. Your credit card may be billed for the next shipment of pills if you don't contact the company and tell a representative not to send it.