Home Remedies for Gas Relief
Positions for Relief
Apply pressure to your abdomen to help relieve your gas. Lie face down on the floor with a pillow under your stomach. Another position to relieve gas pressure is to sit on the floor. Pull your knees into your chest. Wrap your arms around your legs to hold them in place. Try rocking back and forth. Lay a heating pad on your abdomen to help relieve intestinal cramp pain.
Walk 10 to 15 minutes after eating your main meal. Sometimes gas is caused by a slow digestive process. The movement of food through the digestive tract can be slowed by the lack of physical activity. This allows for excess gas to build up. Exercise is important to the body because it regulates the digestive process. Low-key physical activity each day helps to keep the digestive system working smoothly. Exercising like yoga, swimming, hiking, pilates and calisthenics can all help prevent episodes of gas.
Digestive Teas
Digestive teas are good for gas, indigestion, nausea and a nervous stomach. One key to making herbal teas for home remedies is to not boil the ingredients. Thinly slice three to four pieces of a ginger root. Place the ginger slices in 2 cups of boiling water. Simmer on low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Sip tea throughout the day to relieve gas and ingestion. In 1 cup of boiling water add ¼ cup fresh catnip, ¼ cup fresh chamomile and ¼ cup fresh peppermint. Let the herbs steep for 10 minutes and then strain out the herbs. Add one tsp. of honey to the tea and drink to relieve gassiness. Limit your intake of this tea to only 1 cup a day. Large doses of catnip can cause nausea.