What Causes Parasites in Humans?
Contaminated Water
Infecting more than 2 million Americans annually, Giardia is one of the most common intestinal parasites in the United States. Most commonly contracted by drinking dirty or contaminated water, the common symptoms of Giardia include diarrhea, stomach cramps and nausea.
Contaminated Food
A single-celled parasite, Coccidia can cause an infection in the human body through food or water that has been contaminated with Cryptosporidium. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, though some victims may show no symptoms whatsoever.
Trichinella spiralis is a roundworm known to cause the infection trichinosis in human beings. Passed into the human body through raw or undercooked meat, particularly pork, most who contract this parasite display no signs or symptoms.
Everyday Contact
Infecting almost 40 million Americans and 200 million around the world on an annual basis, the pinworm is one of the most common intestinal parasites found in the human body. Infection occurs after ingesting the eggs of the pinworm, which may be on counter tops, toys or other common household surfaces. The main symptom of pinworm involves extreme itching around the anus or vagina, and the infection is far more prevalent among children than adults.
Like pinworms, whipworms enter the body through ingestion of their eggs, which are found on a variety of surfaces. While the majority of those infected with whipworms show no symptoms, extreme cases may include bloody diarrhea and severe abdominal pain.
Dirt, Soil or Sand
Nearly a billion people worldwide are infected with hookworms; while this figure includes Americans, most cases are found in tropical regions of the world. Infection is caused by ingestion or direct contact with the larvae, which are able to penetrate the skin in order to enter one's bloodstream.
Like hookworms, humans are infected with Strongyloidosis through direct contact with dirt or soil that contains the larvae of Strongyloides. Most patients of Strongyloidosis display no signs or symptoms, though in some cases, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain may be present.
From Pets or Other Animals
The only way a human can contract tapeworms from a pet or another animal is by ingesting a flea that is infected itself; while this is a rare situation, it has been known to happen. Symptoms are usually not evident in tapeworm cases, but they can be found embedded in one's stool.