Treatment for Stomach Parasites
There are a couple of medications that are prescribed to treat parasite infestations. One type of treatment with medications uses a range of benzimidazole drugs. This includes metronidazole, nitazoxanide and thiabendazole. These medications are antibiotics that are common to use to fight anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria are those that do not require much oxygen. This is the case with stomach parasites. They do not require much oxygen to grow and reproduce. Metronidazole is the most common prescribed antibiotic for parasites. It is taken orally and may be taken with or without food. Other common antibiotics that are known to treat a variety of parasites are, Mebendazole, Thiabendazole, which removes threadworms and pork worms, and Nitazoxanide. These medications work much the same way as the Metronidazole to kill and rid the body of stomach infestations.
Herbal Remedies
There are herbal remedies that claim to treat parasites with little to no side effects. A change in your diet is needed to help rid yourself of parasites. Refined sugars and complex carbohydrates need to be eliminated to reduce the risk of the parasites feeding off of them to strengthen and grow. Herbal and natural remedies also work best if your bowel is cleaned out. It is recommended to use a colon cleanser to get the bowel cleaned out first. Natural Balance is a recommended bowel cleanse with all natural ingredients such as, Fennel Seed, Psyllium Seed Husk, Rhubarb Root, Peppermint Leaves, Black Seed, Cumin Seed, Cinnamon Stick and Ginger Root. It not only helps to cleanse the colon, liver and other digestive organs, but it breaks down fecal matter, which makes it easier to evacuate. It also helps to eliminate heavy metals, toxins and other poisons. One natural ingredient known to eliminate parasites is Artemesia annua. Artemesia annua is taken at 1 g three times a day for 60 to 90 days. You may have even better results if it is taken with grapefruit-seed extract. A few other natural parasitic remedies are extract of fresh pumpkin, grapefruit-seed extract, black walnut husk, and oil of cloves. These can be taken individually or combined for better results.
There is a way to eliminate many worms by changing your lifestyle. You have to make strict changes in how you live to help rid yourself of the parasites. First you need to thoroughly clean your house. Change all the towels in your house often. Machine wash all clothing, bedding, and towels in the hottest water possible. Clean your fingernails very well and cut them short. This prevents the eggs or parasites from easily getting under the nails and spreading them to others or re-infecting yourself. Everyone in the household needs to wash their hands very well after using the toilet, and especially before touching any food. Keep your anal area very clean by washing it several times a day. Cleanse in the shower is recommended as opposed to a bath tub. Cover public toilet seats with paper first before using it. Try to keep children from scratching their anus as much as possible. They need to wash their hands immediately if they do. Try to have them keep their fingers away from the nose and mouth. This spreads eggs and infected material. Change all sheets, pillowcases, towels and nightclothes often. Children should wear snug cotton underpants as much as possible.