Home Remedy for Gas (Flatus)
Garlic and Ginger
Garlic and ginger are both home remedies for flatulence. You should extract juice from a clove of ginger and a clove of garlic, and mix both juices with a glass of lukewarm water. This mixture will help to neutralize the chemical reaction in the body, and the flatulence should disappear quickly.
Dry powdered ginger can also be mixed with an equal part black pepper and cardamom seeds. The mixture can be mixed in water and drunk to relieve flatulence.
Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger after each meal can also help prevent chronic flatulence.
Baking Soda
Simple baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can also help neutralize gases and prevent flatulence. The baking soda should be mixed with 1 cup of water, the juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of salt. Natural Home Remedies suggests that this is one of the most effective methods of coping with and curing flatulence.
When flatulence is accompanied by constipation (the inability to move your bowels or difficulty moving your bowels), then tamarind is the best remedy. The tamarind should be squeezed into a cup of water and the water should then be boiled. You can sweeten the mixture with a bit of sugar, and then drink.