Intestine Blockage Symptoms
One of the more common symptoms is constipation, meaning the inability to pass stool or having irregular bowel movements.
The constipation is often accompanied by a certain amount of abdominal pain, often caused by intestinal cramping.
It's also not uncommon to suffer from some abdominal distention (a swelling or hardening of the abdomen) with an intestine blockage. This may bring with it a certain amount of abdominal tenderness.
For some people, an intestinal blockage causes an unexplained sense of fullness, even when no food has been recently eaten. It may also cause people to become full sooner than normal.
For some people, a blockage in the intestines will trigger some level of nausea, sometimes to the point of vomiting.
It is also possible for a bowl obstruction to prompt you to experience intermittent episodes of diarrhea.