Homeopathic Remedies for Food Poisoning
Drink 10 glasses of fluids daily. As you loose liquids, you need to keep replacing the fluids in order to prevent dehydration. Keep your liquids non-alcoholic and decaffeinated. Both alcohol and caffeine act as diuretics and promote dehydration. Drink decaffeinated soda, decaffeinated tea with sugar or water. Replace potassium lost through vomiting and diarrhea. Low potassium will make you feel worse and extremely low potassium can be fatal. Eat bananas or drink a sports drink to replenish your potassium supply. Eat yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures. Acidophilus helps restore the population of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. Add 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar to 8 oz. of warm water to fight the bacteria causing your food poisoning. Vinegar contains anti-microbial properties and creates a hostile environment in the body for bacteria. Avoid eating fatty, oily, rich and spicy foods that are hard to digest. Keep your diet mild and easy to digest. Foods you can eat include gelatin, plain toast, mashed potatoes, crackers and clear broth.
Rest for a day if you can. It will help you conserve energy to fight your food poisoning. Do not take anti-diarrhea or anti-nausea medications. These medications interfere with your body's natural defenses and make it harder to evict the invader causing your food poisoning. Do not use pain medications like aspirin or ibuprofen that can irritate the digestive system. If you need to take a pain medication, use acetaminophen. Lay a hot water bottle or heating pad on your abdomen to ease painful cramps. Keep the heat warm and not hot so you do not burn yourself.
There are times when you should seek immediate medical help. Contact your care provider if you have not kept any fluids down for 12 hours, your fever is above 102 degrees F, you have been vomiting for 12 hours or your diarrhea has lasted for more than 24 hours. Go to the emergency room if you suffer any paralysis, severe cramps, double vision, blood in your stool, blood in your vomit, difficulty breathing or inability to urinate.