Best Way to Cleanse a Colon
Hydrotherapy, or colonic irrigation, removes waste products that have built up inside the colon using purified water dispensed through a wand inserted into the rectum. The process takes less than an hour in most cases and is an effective way of dislodging particles of waste that are trapped inside of the walls of the colon. Similar to an at-home enema, a professional colon irrigation is more thorough and cleanses the entire colon, rather than just the rectal areas of the body's elimination system. It is performed in a medical setting and is highly controlled, ensuring that the patient does not come into contact with any waste products and can relax while the treatment is applied.
Who Needs it?
Everyone can benefit from a professionally administered colon cleansing. The colon traps toxins, which eventually build up and form a toxic plaque inside its walls. Unless the colon is cleansed these toxins will eventually seep through the colon walls and take root elsewhere in the body, causing a range of toxic symptoms, including irritable bowel, flatulence, bloating, headaches, migraines, skin eruptions and candida, among others. Professional colon cleanses are easily available and quick to administer, making their benefits immediate, unlike the colon-cleansing diets and other home remedies, which might take a week or more to work.
How it is Performed
In a typical professional hydrotherapy session, you will be asked to lie down on a hospital-type bed, and your lower half will be covered by a sheet. The practitioner will insert a plastic wand into your anus, and when you are comfortable and ready, she will turn on a gentle jet of sterilized water, which will cleanse the colon and lower elimination tract of impurities. The process is completely painless, though it might be a bit uncomfortable at first, until the muscles of your anus relax around the probe. The released waste materials are emptied from the colon into the specialized wand, which vacuums the loosened stool and bits of waste into a machine. There might be further treatments needed, depending on the amount of built up waste in your colon. Some people might need to have up to four treatments over a series of weeks in order to fully cleanse the colon of its impurities.
Always go to a licensed practitioner to have your colon cleansed. Improper colon irrigation using non-purified water or improperly sterilized equipment could lead to an infection of your bowels and colon. Even the best colon irrigation might wash good, as well as bad, bacteria from your digestive system. This could cause stomach aches, vomiting and even permanent weakening of your colon. Absorbing too much water during the procedure could damage your lungs, which might lead to heart failure. No more than two glasses of water should be used during a proper colon irrigation. An untrained colon irrigation practitioner might use too high a pressure setting when administering your irrigation, which could lead to tiny tears in the colon walls. These tears could allow bacteria to leak into other parts of your body, causing an infection.