Systemic Candida Cure
Diet and Supplements
If you have been diagnosed with systemic candida, you will need to start eating yeast-free and gluten-free products. Most commercial foods contain gluten and yeast. Bread, pasta, cereal, ice cream, pies, cakes and most snacks have yeast or glutens in them. However, changing your diet does not have to be all that traumatic. There are plenty of gluten-free foods on the market. Most grocery stores have ample health food sections today. ou will find bread, pasta, milk, ice cream and cereal that are made from brown rice, a gluten-free food. Spelt bread is another gluten-free product. There are also a number of grains that are gluten-free such as quinoa, millet and amaranth. Gluten-free foods are almost always yeast-free as well.
The starches are the primary foods that you will need to replace. You will still be able to eat yams, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, but you will not be able to use butter. However, there are gluten-free dairy products. Eating out at restaurants will be a challenge because it is hard to tell what sauces or marinade they use. You are better off staying away from restaurants until your systemic candida is under control.
As far as supplements, you can take probiotics, which will help balance out the natural gut flora. Digestive enzymes also work well to assimilate the extra candida in the system. Other yeast killers include, garlic, Paul D'Arco tea, grapefruit seed extract and cayenne.
You should understand that dying yeast produces toxins. These toxins can sometimes make you feel bad. But the symptoms will pass fairly quickly.
If you have been diagnosed by a doctor, you will find that she will have a different approach to systemic candida. She will most likely prescribe nystatin, which can be quite effective. But some alternative medicine proponents believe that nystatin can actually exacerbate a candida problem. Doctors, on the other hand, will recommend diet changes and probiotics, but will probably not recommend other supplements. You will need to make that decision.
Because yeast emits toxins when it dies, colonics can be used to flush these harmful substances out of the large intestines. Without the colonics, these toxins can end up in your bloodstream and vital organs. Many auto immune diseases stem from yeast and toxins. The body tends to attack itself when these substances are present. Colonics are almost always recommended for people who have auto immune diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities and even multiple sclerosis.
Colonics are done in a private room by a licensed colon therapist. This professional may be present during the entire treatment, or be available when you need them. Purified water will be used to remove waste. The average treatment is equivalent to more than 15 or 20 bowel movements. Most people feel more energetic after one treatment. You will probably need to have at least six treatments total. The more chronically ill will need to go for longer period of time.