Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Witch Hazel
Use witch hazel to treat the bleeding, swelling and itching associated with hemorrhoids. Coat a cotton ball in witch hazel. Lie down on the bed and compress the coated cotton ball against the swollen hemorrhoid for five minutes. Soak a few layers of soft toilet paper in witch hazel, Use the toilet paper to cleanse the anus and rectum after each bowel movement. You can substitute hypo-allergenic baby wipes coated in witch hazel for liquid witch hazel.
Aloe Vera
Use aloe vera to reduce skin dryness associated with hemorrhoids. Cut a leaf from the aloe vera plant and apply it directly to the hemorrhoid. Allow the aloe vera to dry before wearing underpants and shorts or slacks. Substitute aloe vera for witch hazel on soft toilet paper after every other bowel movement. If you don't have an aloe plant, simply buy soft toilet tissue coated with aloe vera lotion. Allow the aloe vera lotion to dry before you wear underwear and slacks or shorts.
Time Management
Avoid sitting on the toilet for more than five minutes if you cannot have a bowel movement. Sitting on the toilet for longer than five minutes when you're constipated only tempts you to strain to have a bowel movement. Straining to have a bowel movement not only causes hemorrhoids but also increases thir severity, frequency and duration. Sitting on the toilet for long periods also puts pressure on the back. Pressure on the back adversely affects the pain associated with hemorrhoids as well as increasing the likelihood of future problems with hemorrhoids, which could be potentially more severe.
Avoid Constipation
Avoid constipation by maintaining adequate dietary fiber intake, adequate exercise and a routine schedule for having a bowel movement. Constipation is unavoidable for some people, such as those on medications and those with digestive disorders that increase the likelihood of constipation. Treat constipation as soon as it happens by using either an oral laxative, such as a stool softener, a stimulant laxative, or a rectal laxative such as an enema or a suppository.