Home Remedy for Gas Bloating

Gas bloating, or flatus, is caused by excess air in the stomach and digestive tract. It can be the result of swallowing air or a bi-product of digestion. Certain common foods, such as beans, broccoli and cabbage, can trigger this reaction. Gas bloating can also be caused by bacteria in the digestive system. Often, you can reduce bloating without resorting to medication.
  1. Changing Diet

    • Perhaps the easiest way to prevent gas bloating is to change your diet. This requires a bit of food investigation. Keep track of what you eat and when you feel bloating. If you notice patterns, eliminate problem foods from your diet. Carbonated beverages are a common culprit, but each person reacts differently.

    Changing Eating Habits

    • Another effective home remedy for gas bloating is to change some of your eating habits. Because large chunks of food cause the digestive system to work overtime, chewing thoroughly can reduce gas bloating. If you chew with your mouth closed, you are less likely to swallow air. Chewing gum, using a straw and sucking on hard candy all can contribute to gas bloating.

      Walking for 10 to 15 minutes after a meal can reduce bloating.

    Use Herbs

    • Herbs like chamomile, mugwort and tarragon help stimulate production of gastric juices, which can yield more effective digestion with less gas. According to Annie's Remedy, these herbs also relieve gas, which then eliminates the associated bloating. Place one or two tablespoons of herbs in a cup of hot water. Let steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink.

      Chewing mint leaves also may relieve digestive problems, especially gas and upset stomach.

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