How to Cure Gas and Bloating
Steep a hot steaming cup of herbal tea to cure flatulence. Some herbs assist in settling the stomach and reducing the symptoms of excess gas. The next time you experience bloating, reach for spearmint, caraway, anise or peppermint and sip away.
Choose a milder bean or legume if you're cooking up beans for supper. Not all beans are created equal and by choosing lentils, lima beans or split peas instead of navy beans, you may reduce the development of intestinal gas.
Soak your beans overnight. When beans are thoroughly soaked, they are less likely to produce bloating and gas in the stomach. Just make sure you rinse them with fresh water before cooking.
Reacquaint yourself with the dining room. With today's hectic lifestyles, family members will grab a plate of food and curl up on the sofa or in their favorite recliner. Unfortunately, that's a recipe for gassy disaster. Your digestive system processes food more efficiently when you sit up straight, allowing gas that enters your stomach during swallowing to escape via a belch.
Slow down. When you snarf your food, you tend to swallow excess air at the same time. Air in the stomach can only exit one of two ways...either as a belch or as intestinal gas. This problem is exacerbated when you drink carbonated sodas or beer.