Traveler's Diarrhea Cures
If you have developed traveler's diarrhea, you are dealing with bacteria, viruses or parasites in the food and drink you have been enjoying. Your first goal is to rehydrate yourself. Every time you experience a watery bowl movement you need to drink clear fluids and replace the fluids you are losing. According to, you need to replace two to three liters of fluid daily when you are sick. You can quickly become dehydrated from diarrhea, so drink plenty of water and other clear fluids such as tea and flat lemon-lime soda. also recommends adding a supplement such as Emergen-C to your purified water. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine, which will overstimulate your bowels. Do not drink milk because your system will not be able to handle it.
Replace Electrolytes
In addition to losing water through diarrhea, you are losing valuable electrolytes which your body needs to function properly. These electrolytes include sodium, potassium and chloride, which you can find and replace with Oralyte and Pedialyte. Sip chicken broth or consomme which will help replace what your body has been losing. If you are not able to obtain solutions such as Gatorade or Pedialyte, you can make your own electrolyte replacement solution yourself. Add two pinches (the amount you can pinch in between your thumb and forefinger) of salt and sugar to a full glass of purified water and drink.
Probiotics and Bland Diet
Drink probiotic fluids that contain beneficial bacteria. You can also eat probiotic yogurt which will accomplish the same goal. These bacteria (intestinal flora) are necessary for healthy digestive function. In addition to restoring your gut back to normal function, probiotic fluids and yogurt will help guard against future infection. While you are drinking and eating probiotics, eat easy-to-digest foods such as rice, toast (no butter), bananas, cooked carrots and crackers.
Pink Bismuth
Take a package of pink bismuth (Pepto-Bismol) with you on your trip. According to, pink bismuth can reduce the number of loose stools by 50 percent. If you take pink bismuth to prevent infection with traveler's diarrhea, take two tablets four times a day. If you are sensitive to salicylates or if you are taking an anticoagulant medication, you should not take pink bismuth. Make sure to brush your teeth especially well while you are taking this medication because the bismuth can stain your teeth.