Natural Diarrhea Cures
Stay Hydrated
Diarrhea is your body's way of eliminating something that should not be there. It is best to bear with the diarrhea until it goes away. The main issue with diarrhea is that you tend to loose a lot of liquid and electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals like sodium and potassium, which are required for the basic functioning of the body. Drink at least 2 qt. of fluid each day while suffering from diarrhea. If it is accompanied with a fever then try to consume at least 3 qt. Drink liquids such as water, weak tea with sugar, sports drinks, decaffeinated soda pop and some fruit juices. Do not drink apple or prune juice since they have a laxative effect on the body. Try over-the-counter oral rehydration solutions, which can be purchased at drug stores and pharmacies. To make your own, mix 4 tbsp. of sugar, 1/2 tsp. of salt and 1/2 tsp. of baking soda with 1 qt. of water. Sip your liquids rather than guzzling all at once, as it is easier on your stomach. Keep your liquids cool or lukewarm, as this is less irritating to the stomach.
Eat easy-to-digest foods while suffering from diarrhea. These include soup, gelatin, rice, noodles, bananas, toast, cooked carrots, crackers and skinless chicken. Avoid milk, cheese and dairy products. Your body will not be able to digest them very well at this time. The only exception is yogurt containing live lactobacillus cultures. These are beneficial bacteria that help combat whatever is causing your diarrhea. Avoid caffeine since it stimulates the nervous system and the digestive system. Eliminate sweets since sugar can cause an increase in diarrhea. This includes fruit sugar as well. Stay away from greasy or high-fiber foods, which are hard to digest.
When staying hydrated, eating well and bed rest are not enough to battle diarrhea, it is time to see a healthcare provider. When the diarrhea has lasted for 48 to 72 hours, make an appointment with your doctor. Warning signs that something serious is wrong include blood in your stool, dizziness, increased thirst, dry skin, fever or severe chills. These reasons would also justify a visit to the emergency room at your local hospital.